Policies & By-Laws
organizational policies
| Approved 01.13.2025 |
FUNDING A SCHOLARSHIP: Named scholarships can be funded in either of two ways: as a pass through scholarship or as an endowed scholarship. A donor funding a scholarship of $500 or more may specify any or all of the following criteria: (1) the name of the scholarship, (2) the field of study of the recipient, (3) whether the recipient be a graduating high school senior or be a post-secondary student, and (4) that the recipient be pursuing an undergraduate education at either an accredited technical college or college/university. Additional criteria may be requested by the donor, but must be approved by the BCSC Board of Directors. Funds received from donors will be placed in the general fund for distribution to recipients.
a. A named pass through scholarship may be funded as a one-time scholarship of $500 or more. A larger amount may be divided into $500 or larger amounts to fund several years of scholarships (i.e. donor gives $3000 of funds for a named scholarship requesting the funds to be split over 6 years providing a $500 scholarship annually).
b. A named endowed scholarship is ongoing annually into the future and funded by the earnings of an endowment given to BCSC. The amount of endowment required to fund each $500 scholarship is $10,000 and earnings of 5% are assumed to fund the scholarship. Larger endowments may fund larger scholarships or a greater number of scholarships.
c. If a donor funds an amount that would qualify for a named scholarship, but does not choose to specify a named scholarship, then the monies will be placed in the general fund and the income earned from this donation will be used for future unnamed BCSC scholarships. The Board may acknowledge the donor’s generous gift publicly at the Awards’ Presentation Program or other public forum, unless the donor has requested anonymity.
d. Funds for pass through scholarships must be received before April 1.
e. Endowed funds must be received by December 31 of the prior year in order for the first named scholarship(s) of that endowment to be awarded in May of that following year.
f. A letter of acknowledgement will be sent to donors.
a. Berlin High School Graduating Seniors
must complete the Berlin High School scholarship form
immediate family members of Board Members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship, but related BCSC Board Members cannot serve on the BCSC Berlin High School Scholarship Selection Committee
b. Post-Secondary Students
applicants and recipients must be a graduate of Berlin High School or currently reside in the Berlin Area School District
must be a full-time undergraduate student and must have completed a minimum of one semester of full-time post-secondary studies at the time they apply
must complete the BCSC post-secondary application and the application criteria listed
previous recipients may reapply
immediate family members of Board Members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship, but related BCSC Board Members cannot serve on the BCSC Post-Secondary Scholarship Selection Committee
a. Berlin High School Graduating Seniors must complete the local high school scholarship application form. This application is available to every Berlin High School student who is of senior status and is graduating at the end of the school year. The Berlin High School Student Services sends the form via email to each graduating student. It must be returned as instructed to the Berlin High School Student Services Office by the deadline determined by the high school.
Applications are received from Berlin High School.
The high school selection committee will receive and review all high school scholarship applications before the selection meeting. The committee will be made up of five (5) people including at least three (3) BCSC board members. The BCSC High School Selection Committee scores the applications using the following method:
The applicant’s cumulative grade point is multiplied by three. This score counts for 75% of the total score.
The committee evaluates the applicant’s essay on a scale of 1 to 4 (4=excellent, 3=very good, 2=good, 1=fair) and may use half point (.5) increments. This score makes up the remaining 25% of the final score.
The cumulative grade point (multiplied by 3) is added to the essay score.
Applicants are then ranked by total points with the highest scores receiving scholarships.
In some cases, individual scholarships may designate that the high school provide input on appropriate candidates based on qualities that would be measured by high school staff (i.e., school leadership, interaction with peers, etc.) In this case, the names are offered to the BCSC High School Selection Committee who then makes the final selection.
All selections made by the BCSC High School Selection Committee are submitted to the full BCSC Board of Directors for final approval.
b. Post-secondary students must complete and submit the following documents to BCSC and must be received or postmarked no later than April 1st:
Completed post-secondary BCSC application
Maximum 400 word typed essay (if mailed, essay should be on a separate sheet of paper).
Most recent official college transcript with a minimum of one completed full-time semester of post-secondary courses. The transcript must be received directly from the school or its transcript service no later than April 1 of the year of the application. Copies of transcripts will not be accepted. Applicants may contact BCSC to confirm that all required documents were received.
The BCSC post-secondary selection procedures are as follows: The BCSC Board of Directors will verify eligibility of the applications. To retain anonymity the names are removed from the application and they are numbered. The numbered applications are then photocopied for the Selection Committee. The Post-Secondary Selection Committee, consisting of five members, scores the applications using the following method:
The applicant’s cumulative grade point (based on a 4 point scale of A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1).
The committee evaluates the applicant’s essay on a scale of 1 to 5 (5=excellent, 4=very good, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=poor) and may use half point (0.5) increments.
The cumulative grade point is added to the essay score to arrive at the applicant’s total score.
Applications are then ranked by total points with the highest scores receiving scholarships
All selections made by the post-secondary selection committee are submitted to the full BCSC Board of Directors for final approval.
SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS: The high school scholarships awarded will be announced at the annual Awards Night Program at the Berlin High School. Post secondary scholarship recipients will receive their awards and claim forms via mail or email—they are not required to attend the Awards Night.
a. Recipient scholarship checks may be requested from the BCSC after August 1st for post-secondary students eligible for fall semester payment and after December 1st for recent Berlin High School graduates that have completed a full-time semester of post-secondary education and are eligible for spring semester payment. All claims must be submitted by May 1 of the following year. Proof of full-time enrollment status for the eligible payment semester and their scholarship claim form must be mailed to BCSC at PO Box 51, Berlin, WI 54923 or sent via BCSC email in order for the funds to be released. Scholarship funds will be paid by check directly to the educational institution for the benefit of the scholarship recipient and will be mailed to the address provided by the recipient on the claim form. If payment needs to be made to an alternate entity, other than the educational institution, proof (bill, statement, invoice, etc.) must be provided with the claim form for processing. Scholarship funds must be used in the following order of priority: first, for tuition and fees required for enrollment at a qualifying institution; second, for housing. The student should be aware that if they have been provided full funding from other scholarships for these two options, then the BCSC scholarship money will not be awarded.
b. If a student goes from full-time to part-time status, yet maintains 6-11 credits, that student is eligible for 50% of their scholarship award. Proof of enrollment status for eligibility is still required.
SCHOLARSHIPS NOT CLAIMED: Scholarships not claimed by May 1 will be voided and that amount shall then be added to the total amount to be disbursed at the next awards date. A recipient who is unable to claim a scholarship may reapply the following year.
SCHOLARSHIP SELECTION COMMITTEE MEMBERS: The President of BCSC will appoint selection committees to select the recipients of the individual scholarships. The scholarship selection committees will receive and review applications for the available scholarships. No combination of donor(s), donor advisors, persons recommended or designated by the donor (or persons related to any of these persons) are allowed to control, by majority, the selection committee of the scholarship(s) they funded. No member of any committee that selects scholarship recipients shall be in a position to derive any private benefit. Every member of any selection committee is obligated to disclose any family relationship with any potential scholarship recipient.
DETERMINATION OF AMOUNT OF SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED ANNUALLY: The BCSC Board will decide by the February annual meeting the number and amount of the scholarships to be awarded. The amount allocated for scholarships each year will be at a minimum of 5% of the year-end balance (assets minus liabilities) averaged from the three (3) previous fiscal years. The BCSC Board may vote to award more than the minimum when financially feasible.
ALLOCATION OF INVESTMENT GAINS FOR SCHOLARSHIPS: The BCSC Board shall allocate up to 15% of the prior year’s non-guaranteed investment gains to fund scholarships. This ensures that a portion of the corporation’s investment returns are used to further the educational goals of the community while growing the principal for future sustainability.
MEMBERSHIP IN BCSC: Individual memberships entitle each member one vote at the annual meeting. Donations from businesses, clubs, or associations entitle one representative to have one vote at the annual meeting.
BCSC BOARD MEMBERS: Each Board Member must be current in paid dues and must attend 50% of the board meetings in order to maintain his/her seat on the board. Board Members are expected to maintain confidentiality in all dealings as board members and are to disclose any conflict of interest in BCSC activities.
ALLOCATION OF BCSC ASSETS: The assets of the Berlin Community Scholarship Corporation (BCSC) shall be allocated as follows:
Fixed Guaranteed Portion: 40% of the total assets, excluding scholarships awarded but not yet paid, shall be allocated to fixed guaranteed accounts.
Non-Guaranteed Portion: 60% of the total assets shall be allocated to non-guaranteed accounts.
At the end of each fiscal year, the Board shall review the allocation of assets. If the distribution deviates by more than 5% from fixed guaranteed and non-guaranteed ratios, the Board will take appropriate action to reallocate the assets accordingly.
GIFTS TO BCSC: Gifts of money and/or stock will be accepted only if any attached conditions are acceptable to the Board and the said gifts adhere to the purpose of the Berlin Community Scholarship Corporation.
organizational by-laws
| REVISED 01.13.2025 |
The purpose of the Berlin Community Scholarship Corporation is to encourage individuals to further their education by providing financial assistance for post-secondary, undergraduate studies.
Section 1. A minimum donation of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) shall qualify any person for membership in the Corporation for one fiscal year.
Section 1. The business and property of the Corporation shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of thirteen (13) members. There will be two representatives each from the Berlin Area School District and Berlin businesses. There will be one representative each from the Berlin senior community, the Berlin professional community, a Berlin financial institution, and six at-large residents from the Berlin Area School District. Board members must be members of the Corporation.
Section 2. Directors shall be elected at the organizational meeting of the board immediately following the annual meeting. Directors shall serve three (3) years to begin immediately after their election, with four (4) members being replaced the first and second years and five (5) being replaced the 3rd year.
Section 3. The Board may adopt such policies, procedures and by-laws it may consider necessary to carry out the purposes and requirements of the Corporation.
Section 4. A vacancy on the Board of Directors may be filled by appointment. Board members must be notified by mail/email with the name of the proposed appointee prior to the meeting at which the vote will be taken. A director may be appointed with a vote of two thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors present. The appointed director will fill the vacated term until it would have normally ended.
Section 1. The officers of the Corporation shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. They shall be elected at the organizational meeting of the board immediately following the annual meeting, and shall serve for a term of one year, beginning immediately after their election.
Section 1. The officers of the Corporation shall constitute the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall act for the Board in the interval between Board meetings, following guidelines established by the Board. The President shall serve as Chairperson of the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Three (3) members will constitute a quorum.
Section 1. The President of the Board shall appoint such standing or ad hoc committees and chairperson, as he/she may deem necessary. All committees shall include at least one board member.
Section 2. There shall be a standing Donation Membership Committee responsible for conducting an annual membership/donation drive. There shall also be a standing By-Law/Policy Committee, a Marketing Committee, and a standing Financial Committee that is appointed by the President. The number of members on these committees shall be left to the discretion of the President and shall be appointed at the regular meeting in February. The President will appoint a Chair for each Committee.
Section 3. A Nominating Committee consisting of three (3) Directors shall be appointed no fewer than thirty days before the annual meeting. This Committee shall select candidates for the positions of all directors whose terms are ending in the current year. The nominating committee shall also nominate board officers for the ensuing year. The committee shall report its recommendations to the Board President at least fourteen days prior to the annual meeting.
Section 4. The President of the BCSC will appoint Selection Committees to select the recipients of the individual scholarships. A Berlin High School Scholarship Committee consisting of five (5) members, including at least three (3) appointed BCSC board members, will select the graduating high school senior recipients. A Post-Secondary Scholarship Selection Committee consisting of five (5) members, including at least three (3) appointed BCSC board members, shall select post-secondary scholarship recipients. The Selection Committees will be appointed on or before the first day of March. Scholarship selection committee members shall not have a close familial relationship with scholarship applicants. All scholarship recipients must be approved by a majority vote.
Section 1.
a. The annual meeting of the Corporation membership shall be held on the fourth Monday of February.
b. To call the annual or any other special meeting of the general membership, written notice of the date, place, time and purpose must appear in two consecutive issues of the Berlin Journal prior to the meeting. This is the responsibility of the Marketing Committee.
Section 2. The Board shall meet (in person, by video, or by phone) at such frequency as designated by the President, or by special meeting called by the Executive Committee. A quorum shall consist of seven (7) directors, a majority of whom shall be necessary for passage of any matter.
Section 3. The President may arrange for voting by mail/email on any questions, which may properly come before the Board. A majority of the entire Board of Directors (13) must vote in favor of the questions under consideration for passage. In each case of a ballot, the President shall indicate a time limit for return of said ballot.
Section 1. The fiscal year shall extend from January 1 through December 31.
Section 2. All funds received by the Corporation shall be deposited in bank accounts designated by the Board or its Executive Committee. No funds shall be withdrawn from such accounts except by check signed by two officers, one of whom shall be the Treasurer or the President.
Section 3. Securities or other assets acquired by the Corporation may be transferred, sold or exchanged in accordance with the purposes of the Corporation by a majority of the Executive Committee.
Section 1. All parliamentary matters not specifically defined in these by-laws shall be administered in accordance with the latest revised edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 1. The By-laws of the Corporation may be amended at any regular business meeting provided a five-day advance written notice of the proposed amendment shall be sent to all Directors.
Section 2. An amendment that is proposed at a regular meeting may not be voted upon until the next regular business meeting.
Section 3. Two-thirds (2/3) of the entire Board of Directors (13) must vote in favor of the proposed amendment to the By-laws.
Section 1. In the event of dissolution of the Corporation, all funds shall be transferred to its successor organization, whether or not incorporated, providing the purpose of said successor organization is also exclusively educational and charitable. It is preferred the successor be a nonprofit 501(c)3 whose purpose is providing financial assistance to Berlin Area School District students in their pursuit of a higher education.